Tuesday, November 25, 2008

One more big wait

Just when we thought we were done waiting here we are waiting for what we think will be the last time(here anyway!)
We got a call 8 days ago from our adoption agent, Kristen, who told us that our facilitator in Kazakhstan is working on getting our letter of invitation to go over! She told us we would be getting news any day!
It's been a long road and too many of these waits, but this one has to be the most excruciating of them all.

We began waiting this time last year when we finished up our dossier to send to Kazakhstan.
Before starting that dossier we had learned, after trying to adopt from Ukraine for a year and a half, that our dossier was being returned to us. There were many paperwork glitches and a handful of director of adoption changes at the adoption center there in Ukraine. It seemed to be bad timing for our family and several others that we heard about.
After praying about it and continuing to feel the burden to adopt. we decided to pursue adopting from Kazakhstan since you are able to adopt siblings there also, which is why we had chosen Ukraine.

We submitted our dossier(all the documents required to adopt) to be translated in January of this year. In February it was translated and then sent to the consulate in New York City where it was "okayed" and sent on to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Education in Kazakhstan. From there your dossier goes to a particular region. Our agency works with several regions. Our dossier was first sent to a region where it eventually was ousted because that region had been assigned more dossiers than they had children available for adoption. That happened in April of this year. We then waited all summer for it to be submitted to a new region. Finally in October it was assigned to the region of Pavlodar. We are now waiting for an invitation to go over and adopt from there. We received a call last week from our agent, Kristen, who told us the facilitators there in Kaz were working on getting our "letter of invitation" to go on over. She told us we should receive news any time!
In the meantime we have redone our entire dossier because many documents were getting close to expiring. We lost count of how many times we've redone paperwork over the last almost three years.

We've had a few highs and many lows during these past years. I know Dave and I have felt the Lord leading us, directing us, and loving us through it all. I know we've been stretched further than I thought we could be and still maintained our sanity and prayfully our trust in the Lord and His calling.

We now look forward to this new adventure and the Lord graciously allowing us to add to our family!

Thanks for your love, support, and prayers!