Thursday, September 03, 2009


Kelley said...

They're so precious! I love Alyosha's vest!

Russ and Becca said...

Thank you so much for inviting me to read your blog Jeannie! I am so excited for you that after all these years things have come together. Definitely a lesson in endurance! You have persevered!! What cute little kiddos you have too. The khazakstan orphanages sure look a lot better than what I've seen through pictures in Russia. Reading your blog gives me a lot of insight into what it might be like if Russ and I head down this road as well. It was fun to see the picture of twins. I've always thought it would be cool to adopt twins. Anyway, keep on keeping on and remember you aren't alone. So many people are thinking about you and praying for you, Dave, A, and Z!! God bless you and keep you as you continue on this amazing journey.

Becca Long

Kim said...

Love the pics...they look so cute in their new clothes. We can't wait to meet them! Jenny has been "practicing" her introductions...she has several options, ranging from relatively calm to one of her silly cheers, complete with jumping up and down, asking "you want to be my friend?"!

TrumanTribe said...

Thanks girls, Becca can't wait to hear when you guys begin your journey! Kim, sooo cute! Can Jenny learn "can you be my friend?" in Russian? well maybe just friend!