Tuesday, September 01, 2009

We have a court date!

This afternoon on our way to the orphanage we were told we wouldn't know our court date until next week and our hearts just sunk! It was the worst ride to the orphanage ever especially after the bad news. It was raining and a car spun out in front of us and the road felt bumpier than ever...it also seemed there were just more cows, horses, sheep and goats along side the road that Genadi had to watch today too!! You know it's not so much the waiting as it is the waiting and not knowing! We just want a date! Something to plan by, something to look forward to!
On our way back from the orphanage Tanya got a call with good news that we did get a date today! Our date is Tuesday, September 8 at 10 am! Which is next Monday night for you all! That's two weeks after our bonding was over...not the week to ten days we hoped for, but we'll take a few days later! And ya know it was the best ride back we've ever had...the road just didn't seem as bumpy and the sun was shining!! Okay so there were a few cows we had to avoid, but other than that I'm sticking to the best drive back ever!

We had a good visit with the kids today. Zhenya and I had a very silly moment. I had gotten her this little change purse to go in the purse we also had given her and it's kind of hard to open. I was showing her with her little hand how to open it and we both just belly laughed and laughed over me showing her...she was just getting so tickled and made me just lose it. Another funny moment with her today was her combing Dave's hair and then beard...it was so funny! We also started playing a version of hide and seek and both the kids just get soooo excited about it! I pretend to not be able to find them and they make a run for Dave(he's the safety zone) It's so not fair because they run to him yelling "papa papa" and into his arms giving him free hugs while I'm the bad chaser monster! So not fair...I think we're changing it around next time!! Dave says "sorry Jeannie, it's Biblical"! He'll have to find me that verse!

Have I told you how Alyosha takes any extra snack we bring to his friends to share? He is such a sweet kid. He loves puzzles and building things...he loves to try and figure things out.

We are teaching the kids the English alphabet and sounds(Dave put great pics and letters on his laptop ad we use that.) Even though we've tried to make it fun I think they're getting the idea it's like school and are starting not be as keen on it as they were at first!

We love all the emails and hearing about everything that is going on with everyone!! Keep them coming!! And if you haven't emailed you need to!!! Thanks for all the continued prayers for us means more to us than we could ever express!

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