Sunday, September 06, 2009

Alyohsa's b-day :)

Alyosha turns 9 today! Although it was quite the little debate with him yesterday. Someone told him is birthday was the 9th of September, but we think either they or he was confused about turning 9 and his actual date of birth. In his paperwork his birthday is the 6th of September. We kept telling him it was the 6th, but he was insisting it was the 9th. It wasn't that important to us at this point to be right about his birthday, but our translator really wanted to settle it, so she asked the assistant director to go check for sure and tell him. She did and she told him and he was fine. We are going to celebrate with his class on Wednesday since we couldn't go out to the orphanage today and we have court tomorrow and Tuesday. We're really looking forward to celebrating everything on Wednesday(God willing!)
Today(Sunday)we will probably walk over to one of our favorite places to eat here called "Krendells". They have a bakery and restaurant. They have very yummy coffee drinks too :D It is our favorite Sunday place to go and often we are joined by fellow adoptionees :D. We have heard an American couple is coming in September. They are not with our agency, but we are hoping our paths will cross.
A few people have posted comments with success! Thanks once again for your prayers, encouragement and care for our family!


Kim said...

Yay I can leave a comment now! Praying for your court days this week. You are in great hands and hope all goes very smoothly! Love the kid's pictures. Beautiful!

Cami said...

These are the cutest pics yet! Soo adorable!


The Gobble's (Lanetta) said...

ok.. I sure hope this posts a comment... this is my trial post.. Ha ha..

The Gobble's (Lanetta) said...

YIPPEE!! My post posted... well it will as soon as you approve it..
SO thrilled!!!

Happy birthday to Alyohsa!!!!

Praying for you!!

George and Debbie said...

Hi Trumans and family,
We are commenting ya! It so wonderful to see the pictures and hear about everything that's going on. Even the little things like where you get coffee.We would like to say very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Alyosha. We are praying that your court date goes well and quickly! Blessings

TrumanTribe said...

Thanks for all the comments. It's so nice to hear from our fellow adoptee families!And thanks for the b-day wishes for Alyosha! We will pass them along :D

Russ and Becca said...


So happy to hear good news. I am so excited for you. Gavin turns 9 as well~ on the 18th of September. Everytime I read your blog I say a prayer for you and those kids. Thank you for sharing w/ us. May God keep you all safe and bring you all home safely together!