Monday, September 07, 2009

Court Update

I was hoping to post about our time in court tomorrow and about it being done, but instead things are postponed until Wednesday :(  There are a few more documents that were asked for by the judge (to do with the kids), so Svetlana is having to go to other villages to get those. We should be able to finish everything on Wednesday(Lord willing). Court today went well. We are done with our part. Dave did a great job presenting our reasons for adopting, financial state, and answering the judges questions. I just answered yes to a couple of questions and made a short statement about how I felt about the kids and bonding with them. I thought I would have to do more explaining about homeschooling, but Svetlana(our lawyer) explained how we would be educating the kids and the judge didn't even question it. I was surprised because homeschooling is a very foreign concept for people here.
It was an interesting day today. We were a little nervous this morning and for me a little more so when the judge came in the room. He was dressed in a velvet robe and had a Kazakh looking velvet hat on his head. It was intimidating to me especially since his manner was also somber. Once Dave was done speaking what  he needed to say and asking to adopt the kids, change their names etc...I felt less nervous. There was someone there from the equivalent of our dept. of social services and also the assistant director of the orphanage who  both spoke and were questioned also. It all took about two hours. Half of that time was paperwork exchanging/ organizing and waiting on the judge.
Tomorrow Tanya(translator) and I are going to get a few more things for Alyosha's class party. I think we'll still be able to have it on Wednesday after court.We appreciate your prayers for us as a few more paperwork issues get ironed out. Love you all  :D


Judy and Scott Little said...

Jeannie Dave and Kids... We miss you very much. I"ve just now been
able to log in..hahaa LOVE the photos!!! can't wait til you ALL get home. praying for you and looking forward to your return. lOVE,
Scott, Judy, Murphy, and Tyler

Kim said...

Glad to hear the far, so good! We will keep praying! Praise the Lord!

George and Debbie said...

Congratulations on getting one day down , I’m sure Wednesday will be just as smooth. thanks for posting and giving us an idea what it will be like and what to expect, and here we thought just carrying the money and the plane ride would be our high anxiety moments . we are continually praying for you all.

Kim said...

Glad the 1st day went well. It is so interesting how the regions in Kaz can be so different. Our court was in the judge's office in a very nice courthouse building and he wore a suit. Still he was very somber as well. Praying Svetlana gets those documents easily and all goes well. I'm sure it will!

The Gobble's (Lanetta) said...

yeah!!! Way to go Dave... So glad that things went well.. we've been and will continue to pray tomorrow (Wed.)... so thrilled that you are almost finished... I know you are as well!!!

Many blessings.. can't wait till Wed. to officialy send congrats your way.... ;-)