Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Group Fun :)

This is Alyohsa's group and teachers. The half with us are the ones that he schools with.(One half in the morning the other in the afternoon)
They are such sweet kids. We were able to come hang out with them and have a small birthday celebration with them for Alyosha. We brought some juice boxes, candies, a toy car for each boy and bracelot for each girl. It was a lot of fun playing and visiting with them, except that we want to bring them all home with us!
We are hoping that the orphanage director, Olga, will let us come teach a little English to the class on our visits in the next few weeks to the kids. Of course we'll ask if Zhenya can join us! Since we are trying to teach A and Z some English anyway we thought it would make it more fun to be with all the kids.

Today our translator, Tanya, and I went shopping for some clothes for A and Z. We wanted to get just a few things to get us through the few weeks we'll have them here, since they are given to us just like newborns with nothing to their names.

We hope everyone is doing well! Pray the rest of our time here goes quickly! Dave and I are missing the rest of the Tribe and friends and A and Z are anxious to get to America!


Kim said...

Thanks for sharing the group pictures. I would want to bring them all home too. I pray these beautiful children would all be placed in loving homes soon. So happy for you and your precious children!

The Gobble's (Lanetta) said...

Phil and I just read EVERY word of your blog from beginning to end... (most of this was for the 2nd time for me :-))
anyway... we've laughed, cried, and cried somemore with you tonight...
just wanted to share that we are praying and know that you are going to be home with those precious kiddos SOON!!!