Friday, September 11, 2009

Introducing Alexey Benjamin and Zhenia Claire Truman

Pictured above is the Kichiri courthouse. It is where our two new little Trumans were officially deemed ours today! We can't believe this day has finally arrived! It's just really hard to believe that after 3 1/2 years of paperwork, waiting, disappointment after disappointment, and  many tears we finally have these precious  gifts of God!.

 The picture of us was taken right after court when we went to the orphanage and we told the kids their new names. Zhenia accepted it all right away and was like "okay" and thought we were leaving right then for America! Alyosha was extremely shy acting and had his thought-filled face on. He was looking down as we told him and was mulling it all around in his mind and smiled slightly. I think he was overwhelmed with the new name idea. We hadn't wanted to bring it up until everything was official.
I can relate to Alyosha. I think it's going to take me a few weeks to get over the fact that I don't have to do another document for our dossier...don't have to get anything notarized, certified, and apostilled!! I'm going to go into withdrawals I think. I will be dreaming about reams of paper with special stamps and seals attacking me or something!

We headed back to Pavlodar after visiting with the kids and had a celebration lunch with our lawyer Svetlana, translator Tanya, and driver(S's father)Genadi. We went to a Russian restaurant(I know I thought they all were too)
 It was very nice and such a relief for all of us! We can't wait to get home to celebrate with everyone in TN and to our wonderful friends, family and fellow adoptees following the blog THANK YOU so much for your prayers and encouragement! We have loved all the comments and emails..they all just mean so much to us!!!


Michelle Duncan said...

Praise the Lord. What a blessing and wonderful gift. We are so happy for you. Can't wait to celebrate with you!

Angie said...

Yay!!! Congratulations Truman tribe on your new members.

Kim said...

HALLELUJAH! HALLELUJAH! We are soooo happy and excited!!

Kim said...

Congratulations to you all! Blessings on you as you finish your time in Kaz and head back to the US! So happy for you!

Judy and Scott Little said...

God is soooo GOOD!!!!!! We are so happy for ALL of you. We can't believe this time has finally arrived either. What a blessing and a praise. Time for another family photo with ALL THE GANG!!!

Scott, Judy, Murphy and Tyler

Judy and Scott Little said...
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Judy and Scott Little said...

**trying to send another blog comment..hahahhaha i'm not having much success @ this so i sent an email...too

love ya

Kelley said...

Congratulations! :D

Unknown said...

That is so awesome we are so very happy for yall. Terry said HALLELUJAH HALLELUJAH HALLELUJAH! God is Good no God is AWESOME! Love yall can't wait to see yall.

Russ and Becca said...

Yay Jeannie!! What a relief! I hope in the future this will be Russ and I headed over to get girl siblings. My middle name is Claire. Will they go by their first names or middle? I hope in the future you all head out to Cami's and I'll come meet them and give them hugs! Gavin didn't watch the video but he said, "that sounds like Cami ;)"


The Gobble's (Lanetta) said...

Yeah, Yeah, YEAH!!! congrats!!!
So thrilled for you..
can't wait to see pics of you home... Praying you are home soon!!!
all our love...