Friday, September 18, 2009

Sweet Moments

Jeannie, Tanya (the interpreter) and I were talking today about how much the kids have changed since we first met them just over a month ago. They have both grown taller, gained a little weight, been given haircuts, and Z lost a tooth.
They have become more accustomed to being hugged and are clearly more comfortable with us. Initially Alyosha would give perfunctory hugs as if to say "I am doing this becuase I am being told to, but I really dont trust you yet." After a few visits he switched to deep, strong hugs as if to say "Please make sure you come back." Now he gives the very comfortable hugs of familiarity.
When I first kissed Zhenya on the check, my scratchy beard made her grimace. Either my beard has grown less scratchy or she has become more comfortable with it. Either way is OK way with me.
With all of these changes in the kids, Tanya pointed out the biggest change: when we first met them they didn't have a family, or even each other for that matter. They might have known they were brother and sister, but they had no relationship. Now, they have parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, AND each other. As Grandma Betty likes to say "What a deal, huh?"


The Gobble's (Lanetta) said...

ahhh Dave.. that was so awesome!!
precious... and they are so amazing... we can see the difference in their little faces as well...
love you guys and are praying for you...
Lanetta (and Phil) :)

George and Debbie said...

Reading the blog and seeing the pictures really puts Jeremiah 29:11 in living form. God keeps his promises ! we will continue to keep ALL of you in prayer
George , Debbie and family

The Gobble's (Lanetta) said...

just checking in with u guys.. NO post since Friday... we're wondering how things are going... keep us posted!!
Love and prayers..