Saturday, September 12, 2009

Video: Looking through the photo album

So this is us looking through our photo album we made for the kids. It has pictures of family, friends, our house, but not the dogs. We have been sitting down with them and going through the pictures. It has been a lot of fun. One of our favorites was when Zhenya first saw the picture of my family from my parents' anniversary. The picture is of my parents, their 6 children, 3 spouses, and 13 Grandchildren. With so many kids she thought it was a picture of the kids from the other building at the orphanage.
Another time I was sitting with Zhenya asking her who was "krasiva" (pretty/handsome). I would point to someone like Jeannie for example and say "Is Mama krasiva?" She would say "da" (yes). We went through the family and got to the friends page. I pointed to some of the children and asked if they were krasiva, and she said "da". When I started pointing to some of the men in the pictures and asking if they were "krasiva" she gave me a curt "nyet!" (no). Sorry fellas.
Unfortunately neither of these made it to video so this will have to do.

Some Russian words that might help:
"Vota"- 'look at that', or 'and that', or any other similar iteration as best as I can tell.
"Babushka" - Grandmother
"Dadushka" - Grandfather
"Brat"(like the big hot dog) - brother
"sistra" - sister
and of course Papa and Mama.


Carla said...


Kim said...

We all had a good cry watching this together at the Plath's! Jennifer had seen it and told us about it, so all the ladies went in to the house to see it. So glad you shared this with precious!!

Kelley said...

"My Mama!" So sweet!

The Gobble's (Lanetta) said...

LOVE IT!!! They are so precious!!!!!