Saturday, August 22, 2009

Getting Close

Monday will be our last official bonding day. We will continue to go see the kids as much as possible in the coming weeks. We should know about a court date next week. Remember to please pray we get a date asap! The shorter the wait the shorter our time here and sooner we get to bring the kids home!
I realized yesterday we had been spelling Alyosha's name a bit wrong...I've been switching the y and o around :) It's actually his nickname...his formal name is actually Alexi...we don't know why Alyosha is a's longer than his real name?
On paper his name will be Alexi Benjamin...we will ask him in the coming weeks what he would like to be called Alex, Benjamin or continue with the Alyosha. Zhenya's name will also stay the same on paper but we are giving her a middle name also, Zhenya Claire, which may change to "Jenna" once we get home.
Zhenya has really calmed down this week. Her focus is better and the excitement of all the new attention has quieted down.I feel like we're getting to know the real her now. She's still silly and tests us a bit, but is also very loving and sweet.
Alyosha is getting more and more comfortable with us too...he LOVES the camera and has enjoyed taking lots of pictures with it during our visits. It's been a good way to make eye contact with him. We had a really good visit with them both today.
We also went to the river park area again to saw more brides walking around and getting pictures made. We are collecting quite a few pics ourselves. I keep forgetting to tell Malorie that everytime Z sees her and Dan's wedding picture in our photo album she calls Malorie a queen when we quiz her on who it is! Z has never seen a bride, so queen is the closest thing she knows to someone dressed like that! Malorie you will forever be known as the queen of the Truman family! LOVE YOU ALL

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