Sunday, August 23, 2009

Lovely Sunday

These are just a few pics we've taken when we've been out and about here...we have kazillions more...well maybe I'm exaggerating, but not much! We've had a nice day today. We watched a message by Mark Driscoll(out of Seattle) on our laptop. He's doing a series on marriage that has been really good that we've been watching. Then we met up with our Australian friends, two Belgian families that are adopting and a single woman from Rhode Island who just got here. All are great people and we really enjoyed getting to know them better today. Wow, the Belgian families we have met all know about three languages. It's pretty amazing and we are very thankful because it means we have people to converse and share together with in English! It's been interesting getting to know them and learning a little about their cultures. Dave and I didn't know we'd be getting to meet all these families and we've really enjoyed it. It's all due to our Aussie friends though and their getting us all together, so we are really thankful. We are disappointed they are leaving this next week to go back to Australia. The wife is going to have a baby and they are headed back for several months, but at least we got to meet them and connect with some families here. We're headed back in a few minutes to the apartment and Dave and I may watch a movie on the laptop tonight.
We miss you all so much and are so very thankful for your love and prayers for us. We still have a long way to go here, but God has been very good to us and we are blessed indeed.

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