Saturday, August 15, 2009

Part 2

Aloysha spoke a little more today. When I asked him what kind of foods he liked he said "all". He usually gives one words answers to all our questions :) But with Dave today he was talking a bit more and he smiles a lot and loves to play games with us. He wrote his name in cursive very well and we are told he is a bright student.
We always look forward to seeing them and get to spend a few hours with them each morning.

When we come back to the apartment we unload our bags we've taken to the ophanage with books and games and load them up with a camera and lap top. We have had a fun last couple days viewing all the wedding parties walking around the parks and taking pictures. Fridays and Saturdays are wedding days in Pavlodar. I don't think there is actually a wedding that takes place the way we do in the States. Their wedding day as told to us by our translator Tanya is them dressing up and going to a civil court where they may say a few vows and sign papers and then go all around the city taking pictures and eventually ending up at the mosque or orthodox church to take pictures. It was a lot of fun for Dave and I to take pics of all the brides the last couple days when we've taken our daily exploration walk. We are a short walk from the river/park area where all the action is.
We were told thank you and were given encouragement to take pictures. It seemed to be a compliment to them.

It's beens a very nice last couple days visiting with the kids, exploring, finding nice places to eat and shop, and huge bonus we met a very nice Australian couple that live just down the street who are here teaching english and volunteering at the orphanage. We had a nice time with them last evening. It was really encouraging.
God has been very good to us!

I wish I could write back to each of you individually and answer your questions! There's so much more I want to say!!! We have lots of pics we want to put up too! Our time is always limited as we want to get back to the apartment before it gets too late.

I'll try to get online tomorrow again. LOVE YOU all so much and HAPPY 21st B-DAY Jake and Dan!!! LOVE YOU so much!!!!

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